Have you been thinking of getting an acupuncture treatment but don’t really know how it works? As you may have seen in photos, acupuncturists insert needles into the skin to stimulate the nerves. It enables the body to self-heal by producing endorphins which reduces feelings of pain. Traditionally, this practice originated in China and later spread to the Eastern parts of Asia like Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Taiwan. Currently there are two major types which are Japanese and Chinese acupuncture. Here at Long Life Acupuncture in Woodhaven, NY, I offer both styles to suit your needs. If you’re trying to see the benefits or differences of the two, then read on.
There may be a lot of variations to this kind of therapy, but their purpose is the same. They aim to help cure illnesses and boost wellbeing. How your problems are diagnosed, the equipment and the technique set both of them apart. In the Japanese variation, practitioners focus on using palpation which is a method of diagnosing problems by using their hands or fingers to examine a particular body part or organ. The needles used are also a lot thinner than the Chinese practice and needling is shallow and almost painless as it only penetrates the skin superficially. Although each treatment method depends on the patient’s presenting symptoms and problems, Japanese acupuncture is the gentlest in all the variations.
If it’s your first time getting an acupuncture treatment, Japanese is the perfect style for you since it’s more comfortable and less aggressive. It is aimed to balance and restore the disruption in your body’s energy and has also been claimed to not just relax your body unlike other types but also provide a holistic and integrative sensation when it comes to alleviating chronic pain.
It’s important to choose an acupuncturist that you trust. Preferably someone who studied both the Chinese and Japanese variations to cater to your needs. I have 11 years of experience in the industry and Long Life Acupuncture is licensed, insured, and bonded. If you’re not sure which of the two works best for you, don’t hesitate to call me at (718) 310-3693 or visit my clinic in Woodhaven, NY.