Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that is accepted all over the world, which may involve the insertion of thin through your skin at strategic points of your body. This medicinal practice stimulates nerves, muscles, and connective tissue. If you want to reduce stress, back pains, and gain more health benefits? Visit Long Life Acupuncture, one of the dependable acupuncture clinics in Woodhaven, NY.
How does traditional Chinese medicine work?
Acupuncture is just one type of traditional Chinese medicine that improves your body’s functions and it promotes self-healing process by stimulating acupuncture points like inserting fine and sterile needles into your skin. A professional acupuncturist will ask about your health history and he/she will assess your tongue’s shape, color, and coating. They will also feel your pulse and possibly perform physical examinations to fulfill your health needs and to perform the best treatment for you.
Does it have negative side effects?
If you avail our traditional Chinese medicine services in an unlicensed acupuncture clinic, you might experience negative side effects like skin rashes, allergic reactions, nausea, or infections. Avoid these side effects from happening if you make sure that the practitioner is licensed and properly trained and specifically uses sterile and disposable needles.
Why should you trust me?
I dedicate my time to study both Chinese and Japanese style acupuncture to provide all my customers’ needs and to assure them that my services are worth spending. My methods in traditional Chinese medicine promote relaxation and fast recovery of illnesses. You don’t need to be intimidated by the price of my services because I give reasonable and affordable prices to my customers. Lastly, you can always rely on my clinic because I am licensed, insured, and bonded.
Looking for an acupuncture specialist? At Long Life Acupuncture, I give relaxation for a lifetime! I provide one of the best yet affordable Chinese medicine services in Woodhaven, NY at my acupuncture clinic. Call (718) 310-3693 now to avail of my services today.